Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hiccup at 28 weeks

Well, here we go! 

The 3rd trimester!!

Today I hit 28 weeks.

I know I still have 12 weeks left until the big "40" but I can't help but feel like 28 weeks is finally kind of far into this pregnancy thing. Yay for that!

So I thought I'd just give you a rundown of how things are going at this point. I love reading weekly updates on various blogs, matter of fact, its how I celebrate reaching a whole new week. I like to compare my progress to what other people experienced at about the same point, but I'm starting to realize this may not be the best idea. A lot of times it leads to questioning whether or not my pregnancy is going accordingly, making it rather stressful at times. Not so good. 

I've been trying so hard to keep up with life. Work, exercise, making meals, and trying to eat/drink enough every day. My last run was two weeks ago. Oh how I wish I could be one of the girls that was able to run throughout her whole pregnancy. But honestly, it really got to the point where it DID NOT feel right. On days I would run, I wouldn't feel the baby move very much and also would have more contractions. Two things I think were good signs that it was time for me to call it quits on running for the next 3 months. I kept telling myself that I would try again when I wasn't working quite as much and could rest more throughout the day. I'm starting to realize that's just not going to happen. So instead I began to rely on long/inclined walks on the treadmill, core and workout videos. I felt like I was getting a really good workout from the three combined and I was satisfied. I haven't been able to do any of the 3 for the past few days, I hope that changes at some point though! More on that in a bit...

Gaining weight was one thing I feared before ever getting pregnant. I have ALWAYS been very health conscious, some times a little obsessive, about calorie consumption and the quality of those calories. I have actually surprised myself throughout this pregnancy. I haven't feared weight gain like I thought I would. I actually welcome it becomes it means baby is growing and I'm progressing as I should. So far I have gained 11 pounds. It's a little low at this point in pregnancy and my midwife says I need to get in more calories throughout the day. Easier said than done. But I am trying! 

In early December I started having random contractions. Just figured they were braxton hicks that I had heard so much about. The day after arriving Arizona, I had very consistent contractions. They say you should call in to the office if you are having more than 4 an hour. On this particular day I probably had 10 an hour. Finally that night I decided to call. Ended up going in to get checked the next day and concluded everything was okay. They continued randomly throughout the next month. 

During work last week, I had more than usual but just figured it was all part of the deal. By Saturday they didn't feel quite right so I left work early so I could go home and rest. Sunday they continued randomly but nothing too bad. Around 3:30 am early Monday morning I woke up having more. Fell back asleep then woke up again around 4:15. They had become consistent every few minutes and were starting to hurt. I finally woke up Joey to help me. After heat pads and liberal doses of Lavender and Frankincense essential oils I was able to fall asleep close to 6 am. I woke up a couple hours later, rested before getting up but still had a few more. I was already scheduled to meet with my midwife that day so I waited for that. I was measuring a little behind so she ultimately decided I should go to the hospital to be monitored for a bit. I thought we'd be there for maybe an hour max. Yeah not so much. They monitored the baby's heart beat (nice and strong) and my contractions. It was super interesting to feel the contractions happening and seeing the line on the screen go up. Though I wanted them to stop! They did an ultrasound, and our little guy had grown so much in the past 10 weeks. We loved being able to see him again! Ultimately they ended up deciding they needed to give me some medication to stop/slow down the contractions. The nurse injected my arm with one call Terbutaline. She said it may make me feel shaky. Understatement of the century! Within minutes my heart was about to pound out of my chest and my whole body was a shaking mess. It was awful. They also gave me a capsule of another drug call Vistaril. 

Let me just say, I HATE taking any medications. As soon as she came in with the syringe of Terbutaline I was grilling her with questions, what is this going to do to the baby? Will it slow down his heart beat or increase it? Will he be agitated? IS THIS OKAY FOR HIM?!? I was a wreck. I hated not being able to research what they were giving me! Made me even more passionate about not using meds when it comes time for birth.

I left the hospital 4 hours later, with 2 prescriptions in hand. One to help the uterus relax (Vistaril)and an antibiotic (macrobid) to treat a potential UTI. That dang injected drug made me feel so crappy. After talking to my mom about it, she pretty much guessed what drug they gave me. Turns out she was on it for a WHOLE MONTH when pregnant and on bed rest with me. I can't even imagine. We got home around 6:30 and I was asleep on the couch by 7:15. 

I'm still waiting to hear the results of the various tests they did. One of the nurses kept talking about being on bed rest and how it would be worth it in the end. I definitely agree that all of this is worth it to meet our healthy baby boy, however PLEASE don't talk about bed rest. I am praying it doesn't come to that and that he just stays put for at least 9 more weeks.

Anyone else have any experiences like this?? Or used any of those drugs I mentioned?? Would LOVE to hear from you! 

So excited and thankful to one day meet our little man!!  Just praying he waits a couple more months!


  1. Oh the terb is AWFUL. I had it when I was in labor with Audrey. She was about to die and it stopped my contraction dead in its tracks. But it totally gave me the same awful reaction. Not good as you're about to go in for an emergency C-section!

    Good luck, Kelsey. You're so close. You can do it.

  2. Jenna - THAT SOUNDS AWFUL! I can't imagine feeling that way on top of the stress, anxiety, and fear associated with going in for an emergency C-section! Way to get through it!

  3. Congrats! I didn't realize you are expecting!!! So exciting!!! :)

  4. Kelsey, that sounds like the same story I had, except the drugs were not working. I took those same drugs 2-3 times each. They made me very jittery, and they didn't stop labor, as you know. I had my babes at 28-29 weeks, but it was a twin pregnancy. I used to be very health conscience. I have let it go somewhat to the wayside. I was lifting weights and going on the elliptical daily until 13 weeks--when I had spotting. That's when the doctor told me not to exercise. At first it was hard, but it is way worth it. The time it takes to grow your baby is such a small moment in time, compared to your life after pregnancy. A few months after the baby is born, you can get back into it. You will get your body back quick, because you were in shape before, you haven't gained much weight at all, and you lose a ton when you nurse. That being said, it really is important to eat enough calories and fat for the babies brain development and for milk production. I eat a TON of almonds and avocados...I also eat ice cream and chocolate :)I have no problem with milk production! I need to get back into exercising! I'm still feeling a little fragile from the c-section. I also read something about exercising too soon (first 2 months) after birth can release toxins in your breast milk. It's just something I read...It's also important to let your body rest and recover. Giving birth can be traumatic on your body. Sometimes you will realize that sleeping for an hour might be better than running for an hour--sleep is good for milk production, too.Take care, Kelsey! You'll do great!

    1. As Joe and I were sitting in the hospital we were wondering how things went for you and Lon when you first went in to the hospital. So scary! I am thankful the drugs stopped my contractions for a short time and seem to have slowed them down in general. Sounds like you and I are keeping the almond and avocado companies in business! I too am eating both of those by the fist full. I'm getting a little burnt out on the almonds though :) That is so great that you aren't having any problems with milk production. I definitely am curious to see how much I'm going to have to consume in order to keep my milk supply up. I can't even imagine how fragile you feel after having a c-section. It is one of my fears, though I know it shouldn't be. Your an awesome example of seemingly bouncing right back to life, not to mention looking awesome! Thank you for all of the encouragement for resting up, it really is the part I am struggling with mentally. I know 9 weeks to full term isn't long AT ALL in the grand scheme of things, but in the moment it sure feels long. Hoping I can still get back to more of my daily routine at some point in all of this. By the way, I would love to meet your babies when they are ready for visitors!! :)

  5. What a great picture of your little man. Hang in there. Pretty soon it will all be over and you will be holding your precious baby. This will all seem like a vague memory. I think it is great that you are blogging about it. I wish I had that outlet when I was having my babies. Love you!

  6. I am SO excited for you guys! Can't wait to see pictures of the cute little guy. :)

    1. Thanks Maddy!! We can't wait to show him off to you and the fam! :)

  7. Im so sorry you poor thing. Thats not good news, my advice is to take it really easy. Get the essentials that you need for the little man just in case you have to go on bed rest. I was only on bed rest a few days but I didn't have everything done so my mind was going crazy. I was fine in the end, it really doesn't matter what you haven't done but for the peace of your mind while laying there its worth it. My midwife told me to take it easy and I really didn't believe her. But... you have to especially if you want to keep him in there and go natural. Your going to be fine though just get a priesthood blessing anytime you need one. That was my saving grace!!

    1. Excellent tip about getting things done. I keep thinking I have all this time to organize/clean out his room. Luckily we are all set up with a crib (still need a mattress) and a few other things but we definitely still have things to get and do. I just keep telling myself to hold out until after my baby shower next week, which I desperately hope I get to go home for. We'll see what my midwife says tomorrow!! We had over 3 missionaries last night and they and Joe all gave me a blessing. I can't even explain how much it helped me. I felt so much more calm about so many things and I know everything will be ok. Still just praying he'll hold out at least 9 more weeks!!

  8. I have actually been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks for the past month. Sometimes I get really worried because I will have a lot in a short period of time. When I visited my doctor they said everything looks fine, so I'm hoping it will stay that way. I am still just trying to take it easy and listen to my body though because my mom experienced pre-term labor and bed rest with all 7 of her babies and I don't even want to go there. I had complications at the beginning of this pregnancy and was put on pelvic rest which meant no exercising and taking it easy all the time. It was not fun so I dread the idea of actually going on full bed rest, but it is worth it to do whatever it takes to make sure that the baby comes when it is fully developed. I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers!

    1. Thanks Megan! I hope your contractions ease up for you!! My midwife told me at an appointment a couple weeks ago that some people just get tons of Braxton Hicks but to call if you have more than 6 an hour. Then she went on to say how some women will find that they are just one of the ones to frequently have them, even more than the 6 an hour. It wasn't until this appointment that she finally seemed concerned about mine. Bed rest seriously sounds awful and I hope neither of us have to deal with that! Good luck!!!
