Sunday, September 9, 2012

Long Live Summer

Coming home from China was the best thing ever. You may think being away from family for nearly 5 months is not that big of a deal, but let me tell you (!) it is a BIG deal to us/me!!!!!!!! 

Summer was awesome! Filled with family, beach trips, Rochelle's wedding, Californ-i-a, friend get togethers, and a whole lot of relaxing and just hanging out. Wish we could relive it right about now!

At our "Welcome Home" party with our families. This is the first time we got to meet our CUTE little niece Avery!! We love her!!! Jimmy and Meghan make one adorable baby!!!

Bennett - LOVE

Milly - LOVE

Newport Beach with the Grimes - Rochelle's wedding week! Sooooo fun!!

Family pictures on the beach the morning of the wedding 

Rochelle & Eric Bustamante - Newport Temple
Thankfully they waited for us to get home from China so we could be there!! 
Such a great day!

Sisters - love these girls


After our week in Newport with the Grimes, we headed south to Solana Beach to spend a week with the LeSueur family.

Joey has waaaaay too much fun digging holes at the beach.

4th of July with these cuties

Waiting for fireworks

Uncle Joey

Jordan & Guilian's sealing day

Julie, Guilian and I
Crossing our fingers that Julie has her baby girl umm... like TODAY! She's a week overdue. Guilian had a beautiful little girl about a month ago. So happy for both of you and wish we could be there to see your new little families!

Reunited! Girls night before Brooke had her baby. Awesome to catch up. I miss the olden days. Brooke had baby girl #2, Jacie, a week later. So happy for her and Jay!

After a whole lot of changing our minds and going back and forth between U of A and Nebraska, we ended up deciding that Nebraska was the place for us. More on that next!


  1. just stumbled onto your blog (from Alexis Solomon's) and have to ask where you got those grey dresses in the first wedding! My sister is getting married in December and we are having a hard time finding bridesmaid outfits and I think those might work. :)
    Good Luck in Nebraska!

    1. Hi Annie! We got the dresses from DownEast Basics. I have no idea if they would still have them because she bought them in the beginning of summer but definitely go on their site. Then my mother-in-law just made the sashes to go on it. Good luck with the search!
